CNC Broach Gcode Program Generator

The programming code used to build CNC Broach Tool’s G code Program Generator is Proprietary and Patent Pending

Access the original V1 program generator here

CNC Broach Tools G-code Program Generator V2

To use the new & improved CNC Broach Tool Program Generator:

  1. Choose your machine type: Lathe or Mill. 
  2. Select Inch or Metric
  3. Select the type of program you want to export: Long format or Sub Program
  4. Select which tool holder you’d like to use
  5. Enter the Bore Diameter, Keyway Width, Radial Depth, Z axis start & end points, Depth of Cut, & IPM.
  6. For milling machines enter the feed axis and feed direction
  7. Accept the Terms & Conditions
  8. Download the program .txt file to your computer or mobile device
  9. Try the full version of CNC Machinist Calculator Ultra

Z axis start point: The start point should be at least .625″ above the bore face to allow for acceleration prior to cutting.

Z axis end point: The end point must clear the back face of the bore by at least .200″. This is important because some machines will actually begin to retract on X or Y prior to reaching the Z end point. This “Phantom Retraction” could cause the insert to pull out of the pocket. The insert must be completely through the material in the Z axis prior to retracting on X or Y. One way to avoid the “Phantom Retraction” is to add an exact stop g-code to your program. This will slow your broach cycle considerably, however. This is why we recommend extending the Z axis end point instead.

If you have issues with this program generator or if you see issues with the code produced please contact us so we can fix any issues. Please use at your own risk.

More information on this can be found in our blog post titled “Keys to using CNC Broach Tools” in the Questions and Answers section

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