Founder of CNC Broach Tools Releases Book About OUR Industry

Manufacture Local: How to make America the Manufacturing Superpower of the world

“Manufacture Local: How to Make America the Manufacturing Superpower of the World” Is The Blueprint to Rebuild America’s Middle Class

“Manufacture Local” is both a memoir and a strategic blueprint for restoring America’s manufacturing supremacy. John Gardner’s blend of personal narrative and policy analysis provides a compelling case for why and how America can reclaim its position as the world’s manufacturing superpower. Releases July 12, 2024

John Gardner’s “Manufacture Local” is both a personal journey and a national call to action to revitalize American manufacturing. Gardner recounts his own experiences growing up in a manufacturing environment and the pivotal moments that shaped his career in the industry. He highlights the historical importance of manufacturing to the American economy and national security, drawing parallels between the constraints imposed by Great Britain on the American colonies and current challenges faced by U.S. manufacturers.

In his book, Gardner explores the critical role of local manufacturing in building a resilient economy. From the days of the American Revolution until now, manufacturing has been the backbone of the American economy. It is what made our country a great power, and it is the traditional path to the middle class.

But in recent decades, manufacturing has come under fire. US politicians and economists have pushed damaging free-trade policies on an uncomprehending public, while adversarial countries such as China have taken advantage of that foolishness. Manufacturing is the goose that lays our golden eggs—and it must be protected, or it will be lost.

He shares stories from his experience in the field, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of advocating for local production in an increasingly globalized world. From navigating complex supply chains to advocating for policy changes, Gardner provides a comprehensive look at the state of American manufacturing and offers practical solutions for revitalizing this vital industry.
“Manufacture Local” is more than just a book; it’s a call to action. Gardner argues that by investing in local production, communities can create jobs, foster innovation, and strengthen national security. His book outlines a blueprint for businesses, policymakers, and individuals to support local manufacturing and build a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Key themes Gardner could speak to or write about include:

Historical Perspective: Gardner traces the roots of American manufacturing back to pre-Revolutionary times, illustrating how manufacturing has been a cornerstone of American independence and economic strength.
Personal Narrative: The author shares his personal story of growing up in a manufacturing environment, his struggles, and eventual success in the industry, underscoring the potential for personal and economic growth through manufacturing.
Economic Policy: Critiques past economic policies and trade agreements that have weakened American manufacturing and offers concrete policy recommendations to reverse this trend.
National Security: Links the health of the manufacturing sector to national security, arguing that a robust manufacturing base is essential for maintaining military and economic power.
Future Vision: Gardner is optimistic about the future, pointing to increasing interest in trade schools and manufacturing careers among young people. He calls for a renewed focus on manufacturing to ensure America’s future prosperity.


“An optimist by nature, the author still has a ‘fundamental hope for our country’ and puts forth a multi-chapter analysis of the ways in which “we can still save manufacturing and, in doing so, rebuild America.”
-Kirkus Reviews

“Manufacture Local is a heartfelt and intensely personal paean to our lost — and reviving — American manufacturing sector. This outsider book proposes explanations and solutions from the trenches of American industry as to how the United States must rebuild after the disastrous past decades of U.S. deindustrialization.” – Dr. Anders Corr, Publisher Journal of Political Risk

“John Gardner’s ‘Manufacture Local’ is a powerful testament to the critical role of manufacturing in America’s prosperity. It’s an essential read for anyone committed to strengthening our nation’s economic independence and ensuring quality jobs for future generations.” — Michael Stumo, CEO of the Coalition for a Prosperous America

“John’s work tackles a vital issue in the United States’ industrial policy or lack thereof: will our nation lead manufacturing innovation into the next century or follow behind other nations? John knows that true innovation stems from a deep understanding of how items are made. It’s time to change direction and propel our nation forward, and John is illuminating this crucial topic.” – Gavin Stener, Owner 67 Designs Manufacturing

“This is a must read and “Call to Arms” for America, its citizens, politicians, and business leaders.” – Dan DiMicco, Retired CEO/Chairman Nucor Corp

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