External Blind Spur Gear Broaching

“Hey John Gardner this is John at OE, We finally got around to using your your spur gear carbide cutters that you engineered for us and I wanna let you know they were perfect. Just thought I’d call you to give you that feedback. I know it’s been a long couple months since you made these spur gear inserts. But we finally got around to the project and you know how the wheels the government turns slow. So anyway they worked out great. Just wanna let you know that we appreciate you and I thank you very much. If you need to call me or send me an email you got the information. Talk to you soon with the next project. Appreciate it thanks.”

“Good shit deserves recognition. I wish I could send you pictures of this gear box that we used your tools on to cut these spur gears but unfortunately  government security protocols prohibit it.  We appreciate the design and the ability to still do this without an EDM.  A machined surface is way more cosmetically appealing than a EDM surface anyhow.”  

CNC Broach Tools Blind External Spur Gear

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